Sorry I have not updated my post yet, but it has been a crazy two weeks.
Week 38
I was still tense and frustrated not being home, and having a lot of kids at Hazen's parents home. Sunday night Hazen sat down with me and told me to forget about my nieces and nephews, and enjoy my beautiful sweet happy daughter we have. So Monday to Wednesday I did every thing as if I where home, as much as possible anyways. I called my sister-in-law to see if she wanted to go swimming. That didn't happen, because she had an accident and broke both arms, but I still had fun with Tessa. I also did a lot of nothing. Wednesday night I stayed up late watching TV with Hazen (something relaxing I like doing) then at 12:00am I started labor. I fell asleep till 2:45 ish thinking the contractions might go away seeing how I had ten days before I was due. At 4:00am I could tell that they were not going to go away. I sat up to wake Hazen up, had a contraction at that moment and ended up waking him up by kicking him in the back (again I am sorry about that babe) at 5:00ish I want to sleep again. 7:40ish I took a shower 9:00 we left to the hospital, only stopping for my favorite breakfast, Gondalfo's Harlem, yum!! As always I couldn't finish it, much to Hazens liking. We thought they would send us home with false labor because of how far along I was at my last appoinment. The nurse that was doing triage asked what I was at my last visit. I was not dilated and not effaced at all and the baby was so high they had to do an ultrasound to find out where she was. She just said, "huh" I said, "you can't even feel her can you?" She said, "no actually, she is right there, and you are dilated to a 6, 6 and a 1/2". Wow! So we went straight to the delivery room. After hanging out with my sweet husband, calling people, having a snack, we went to sleep for an hour or so.
I had only gone a half a centimeter from when we came in, to when Dr. Jones not Smith came in, so he broke my water. I felt really strange after that. I had the epidural before they broke my water with Tessa. I got up after that and sat one the birthing ball. Hazen was bouncing me, we were just having fun. With out warning I had to go to the bathroom. That is when all the rest of the water came out, and a lot of pain started to happen, and my contractions got a lot closer together. Wow to every one who has had hard labor with your water broken, with out an epidural, kudos, and to those that did it willingly, Why??? I actually did really well till the nurse said that my baby's heart rate was dropping. I got scared, and all the noise, and all the people didn't help, long story short I got the epidural when I was dilated to an 8 (I don't think you usually get an epidural that late in labor and delivery.) Life was good after that. Sara came and all of us chatted till the Dr. got there. I got more drugs and I started pushing. Let me see, it took me 2 or 3 contractions to over come my fear of delivery (Yes, I know, I am weird) Then it was two contractions with some progress then a rest one and one for me to be used to the kinda pain I was going to have, then one for her head and one or two for her shoulders. each contraction start to start is 1 to 1 and 1/2 minutes that would put delivery at about 8 to 20 minutes total for delivery. I think it was really about 13 minutes. So compared to my hour and 45 minutes delivery with Tessa I did pretty good. It would have been a little faster if the nurse wasn't trying to be help (She wasn't! her counting was messing me up so bad.) Hazen kept reminding me to relax which helped lots, and at the end Dr. Jones told the nurse to be quiet so I could keep my focus on pushing Makayla out. The labor wasn't quite as dramatically different from Tessa's. I was in labor for 13 hours, a 5 hour difference from Tessa. I slept for four or more hours of it though.
My dear friend Sara came to see me while in labor.
Lots of people came after she was born that was fun. We only stayed at the hospital for 24 hours.
Makayla 24 hours old.
Hazen and I are very tired
Makayla wanting her pacifier
Week 39 (Week one of Makayla)
My mom was here this week to help me out with Makayla. She helped me get our room in order so that Makayla would fit in there with us. She also helped me make an ice cream cake for the baby shower.
There would be a picture here, but I left my camera at my uncles.
I was going to get it before I posted this on my blog,
but I have no idea when I am going to have time to go get it.
I'm telling you, you should have come, it was really really good. Some of my family came so it was really fun. It helped us get some of the things we needed for our new baby. My mom helped with Tessa as well, Tessa loved playing with grandma and grandpa while they here down here. Tessa went swimming with grandpa while my mom was helping me with Makayla. Yeah it isn't easy having two kids. I know it will be fun, but right now while I am trying to remember how to take care of a new baby its hard. I feel like I am not even a mom to my sweet little Tessa any more. I really hope it gets better. On the 24th I spent the afternoon with my family (aunts, uncle, and my grandparents and Tessa's aunt, uncle and grandparents) It was way fun, but tiring for little Makayla. I didn't have to stress to much, no one was opposed to cleaning their hands every time they touched my little baby.
There would be a picture here, but I left my camera at my uncles.
I was going to get it before I posted this on my blog,
but I have no idea when I am going to have time to go get it.
Tessa was tired as well when we got back, so there was no interest in the fireworks. I was OK with that, because we just watched fire works at the Summer fest and on the 4Th of July (I will post something about both those soon).
Well I haven't said much about being pregnant because I am not!! Yeah!! I will be posting stuff about Makayla from now on.
I was still tense and frustrated not being home, and having a lot of kids at Hazen's parents home. Sunday night Hazen sat down with me and told me to forget about my nieces and nephews, and enjoy my beautiful sweet happy daughter we have. So Monday to Wednesday I did every thing as if I where home, as much as possible anyways. I called my sister-in-law to see if she wanted to go swimming. That didn't happen, because she had an accident and broke both arms, but I still had fun with Tessa. I also did a lot of nothing. Wednesday night I stayed up late watching TV with Hazen (something relaxing I like doing) then at 12:00am I started labor. I fell asleep till 2:45 ish thinking the contractions might go away seeing how I had ten days before I was due. At 4:00am I could tell that they were not going to go away. I sat up to wake Hazen up, had a contraction at that moment and ended up waking him up by kicking him in the back (again I am sorry about that babe) at 5:00ish I want to sleep again. 7:40ish I took a shower 9:00 we left to the hospital, only stopping for my favorite breakfast, Gondalfo's Harlem, yum!! As always I couldn't finish it, much to Hazens liking. We thought they would send us home with false labor because of how far along I was at my last appoinment. The nurse that was doing triage asked what I was at my last visit. I was not dilated and not effaced at all and the baby was so high they had to do an ultrasound to find out where she was. She just said, "huh" I said, "you can't even feel her can you?" She said, "no actually, she is right there, and you are dilated to a 6, 6 and a 1/2". Wow! So we went straight to the delivery room. After hanging out with my sweet husband, calling people, having a snack, we went to sleep for an hour or so.
My dear friend Sara came to see me while in labor.
Makayla 24 hours old.
Week 39 (Week one of Makayla)
My mom was here this week to help me out with Makayla. She helped me get our room in order so that Makayla would fit in there with us. She also helped me make an ice cream cake for the baby shower.
There would be a picture here, but I left my camera at my uncles.
I was going to get it before I posted this on my blog,
but I have no idea when I am going to have time to go get it.
I'm telling you, you should have come, it was really really good. Some of my family came so it was really fun. It helped us get some of the things we needed for our new baby. My mom helped with Tessa as well, Tessa loved playing with grandma and grandpa while they here down here. Tessa went swimming with grandpa while my mom was helping me with Makayla. Yeah it isn't easy having two kids. I know it will be fun, but right now while I am trying to remember how to take care of a new baby its hard. I feel like I am not even a mom to my sweet little Tessa any more. I really hope it gets better. On the 24th I spent the afternoon with my family (aunts, uncle, and my grandparents and Tessa's aunt, uncle and grandparents) It was way fun, but tiring for little Makayla. I didn't have to stress to much, no one was opposed to cleaning their hands every time they touched my little baby.
There would be a picture here, but I left my camera at my uncles.
I was going to get it before I posted this on my blog,
but I have no idea when I am going to have time to go get it.
Tessa was tired as well when we got back, so there was no interest in the fireworks. I was OK with that, because we just watched fire works at the Summer fest and on the 4Th of July (I will post something about both those soon).
Well I haven't said much about being pregnant because I am not!! Yeah!! I will be posting stuff about Makayla from now on.
1 comment:
I think Tessa has your face shape... and Makayla has Hazens face shape. How fun!!
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